Established in 1846 as the “Manchester Institute for the Deaf”, with the objective or providing relief to the deaf, hard-of-hearing and deaf-blind residents of Greater Manchester and surrounding areas by providing information, advice, education and facilities for social activities, Manchester Deaf Centre has come a long way in 170 years but its core objectives are still as relevant today as they ever were.
Originally located on Grosvenor Street, Manchester Deaf Centre moved to its current location within Crawford House in 1974 and then changed its name from “Manchester Institute for the Deaf” to “Manchester Deaf Centre” in 1990.
For the 165th anniversary of Manchester Deaf Centre we launched our Helping Hands appeal to raise money to refurbish and remodel the outdated facilities, helping us improve the quality and range of services we are able to provide. The increased space and improved facilities have also allowed us to develop new community partnerships and accommodate more people and activities.
The refurbishment work wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support of some incredible trusts that came together to provide us with the crucial financial backing, many of whom continue to provide us with ongoing support for our various projects.