Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez teaches law at Manchester Metropolitan University and writes books on international law – but his task for Manchester Deaf Centre is simpler: to run 1075km in 2021 to celebrate the Centre’s 175th anniversary. He has learned British Sign Language and worked with Deaf young people there – and now hopes to raise money for equipment and interesting experiences for young people. He says:
“I believe in enabling people. At MDC that’s exactly what we do! After all, we are all differently abled and it’s because of our own individual gift we can help others be their best.”
Dr Jorge is passionate about the work of Manchester Deaf Centre
Manchester Deaf Centre hopes to use donations to help develop the open courtyard at its Crawford House, Booth St East premises to be a welcoming, Covid-safe space, with seating for groups and a sheltered area. Planters will enable young people to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs which they can then enjoy eating in a barbecue area, with a sensory area for peace in the bustle of the city.
The courtyard at Crawford House it is hoped to further develop
If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.
Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH
09:00 – 17:00
0161 273 3415
Registered Charity Number: 1110373