Manchester British Sign Language Fest, 22nd to 28th April 2024


Manchester Deaf Centre has been working with BSL Celebration to create the third annual BSL Fest: a fantastic week of events and entertainment in Manchester.

The festival will run alongside the annual British Deaf Association (BDA) conference, which is taking place in Manchester this year. This year’s conference theme is the importance of early years sign language to the mental health and wellbeing of deaf children.

The festival has something for everyone, with storytelling, comedy, tours, films, a BSL history exhibition, an outdoor park party and more.

Manchester Deaf Centre staff members will be leading BSL storytelling at Central Library on the 23rd and 25th of April, and BSL taster sessions at Central Library on the 24th and at the Party in the Park on Saturday 27th. MDC will also have a stall at the Party in the Park on the 27th. We hope to see you!

V​olunteers wanted

If anyone would like to volunteer at the Party in the Park on 27th, it would be much appreciated.

1 – To volunteer please email Lucy Riding:
2 – For more on the British Deaf Association conference, and to book a place:

Download the BSL Fest programme here:

T​he pdf contains details of events, timings, venues and links for booking.


D​ownload the Party in the Park at Cathedral Gardens stage running order here:




Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373