Would you like to gain your driver’s licence? All drivers taking their driving licence must first pass a theory test. We have an exciting new opportunity for deaf BSL users who want to learn driving theory.
Where: Manchester Deaf Centre
When: Thursdays, starting on 10 August
What time: 1pm to 3.30pm
The sessions will be taught by Paula Carr. Paula is a qualified driving instructor and also a Sign Language Interpreter.
If you would like to join the sessions, or if you have any questions, please contact us:
1 – by email: waite@manchesterdeafcentre.com
or send a text or a video message to 07557 095854.
If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.
Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH
09:00 – 17:00
0161 273 3415
Registered Charity Number: 1110373