Northwest train stations improving access for BSL users


MDC has been delivering Deaf Awareness and Introduction to BSL courses for Network Rail staff based at Manchester Piccadilly and Liverpool Lime Street station. The staff have been learning basic signs for customer service, giving times, numbers, directions and basic station-related vocabulary, to enable them to be more welcoming to BSL users. The sessions have really been enjoyed by Network Rail staff, and more staff are wanting to join the courses as a result. 

Two of the attendees said:

"Delivered by BSL user with interpreter: fantastic! The BSL user was fantastic at teaching BSL. Very interactive sessions & at a good pace for beginners. Very valuable course. One of the most relevant and practical courses NWR has provided for managed stations staff."
"Wayne is super friendly and made us all laugh. This helped with any nerves we all had about the course and when trying to remember the various signs we had to make. Wayne’s personality is very infectious and put us all at ease. It is a very insightful course and enhanced my knowledge of BSL but also gave me an insight in to how difficult it is for deaf people trying to use such a busy environment as a station." 


Further excellent news is that Manchester Piccadilly and Liverpool Lime Street stations both also now have the Sign Live facility. BSL translations are also being added to customer information screens across the network.

For more information about our workplace training and development offer, please click here: Manchester Deaf Centre – BSL & Deaf Awareness training for organisations

Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373