The Manchester Deaf Social Club are a diverse group who meet at Manchester Deaf Centre every week to socialise, enjoy refreshments and play bingo for cash prizes. With close to 100 members, this group is a great opportunity for members of the deaf community to get together on a regular basis.
Twice a year MDC host Grand Bingo, an all-day Saturday event which is highly anticipated by the social club members. The committee also organise coach trips, it is a wonderful way for isolated members of the deaf community to engage, socialise and visit new places!

Deaf Social Club members having a whale of a time while helping to refurbish MDC's rooms
Day: Every Monday
Time: 10:00-15:30
Bingo: 14:00-15:00
The Teddy Webb Hall at Manchester Deaf Centre
If you would like to make an enquiry about the Manchester Deaf Social Club or find out more information, please contact the Secretary, Jeannot Floor.
Email Jeannot: