Get involved in Manchester Deaf Centre's work



Did you know there are lots of simple ways you can get involved with fundraising and support Manchester Deaf Centre? As a small charity, we really value and appreciate any contribution whether it is little or large. Have a look below at some of the things you can do to support us: Donate via Just

Register as a Communication Professional

BSL/English Interpreters Are you an NRCPD registered TSLI or RSLI? Manchester Deaf Centre are always looking to recruit registered interpreters. If you would like to register please fill out the below form, upon receipt of this we will then be in touch to confirm your registration. Our Domains We


Volunteers are an integral part of our team here at MDC and we appreciate everyone who gives up their time to help deliver vital services and support us in our aim to empower and provide equality for D/deaf people in Greater Manchester! Please see below the process for registering as a volunteer:


Manchester Deaf Centre is the largest organisation in Greater Manchester providing support services to people with hearing loss. The Centre is a popular place for hard of hearing, D/deaf and deaf blind people to meet, to find information, advice and guidance, and for opportunities to learn and

Become a member of MDC

Our trustee board established an Manchester Deaf Centre membership scheme; anyone who uses our services and has an interest in the future of Manchester Deaf Centre is invited to become a registered member. What does being a ‘registered member’ mean? It means that you will have the right to vote

Thank you to our partners

Our Opening Times

If you would like to know more about
any of our services, please get in touch.

Manchester Deaf Centre,
Crawford House,
Booth Street East,
M13 9GH

09:00 – 17:00


0161 273 3415

Registered Charity Number: 1110373